“What is more pleasing to the Lord: your
burnt offerings and sacrifices or
your obedience to his voice? Listen!
Obedience is better than sacrifice, and
submission is better than offering the fat of rams.” 1 Samuel 15:22
For the last few months this verse (well part
of this verse) has been ringing in my head: “OBEDIENCE is better than sacrifice”.
It sounds so pretty and righteous to say….but what exactly does it mean? That,
my friend, is the million dollar question! You see this same phrase can mean different
things to different people – God loves to do that! He can use the same message to
speak to people in different ways.
For some:
OBEDIENCE = attending church for the first
time & having a relationship with God
Sacrifice = thinking that being a good person
is enough to please “God”
OBEDIENCE = getting involved in your church;
use your gifts to serve in the house
Sacrifice = attending church is enough
Yet others:
OBEDIENCE = giving your tithes regularly to God
Sacrifice = giving to the people that ring
the bell during Christmas is enough
I'm not sure what OBEDIENCE vs sacrifice looks like for you. You will have to figure that out on your own. I can tell you that God is always looking to stretch our FAITH in one way or another.
For me it’s simple, yet difficult all in one….
this “blog” thing is very easy for me to do. I can sit here and write stories
till my fingers turn blue…stories and writing (well not including grammar)
come effortlessly to me. The difficult part is sending out the Twitter and Facebook reminders to my friends. You see it is out of character for me to ask
people for things. It’s something my parents taught me when I was young and it
has been instilled in my heart – perhaps to the extreme - or maybe this is
just how God wired me. So when I felt from God to write these blogs, I was excited. When
I felt from God to send it out several times a day – not so much!

Devil: “who do you think you are to send out these
blogs? You are not important!”
Angel: “you are a son of the Most High, coheir with Christ!”
Devil: “people are gonna laugh at you…hahaha!”
Angel: “God is smiling down on you when you
send it”
Devil: “this is dumb…a waste of time! You already
do enough for God! Relax!”
Angel: “OBEDIENCE is better than sacrifice”
So when you see my Twitter / FB reminders,
remember this:
OBEDIENCE > sacrifice!